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Apache Commons Crypto shares mailing lists with all the other Commons Components. To make it easier for people to only read messages related to components they are interested in, the convention in Commons is to prefix the subject line of messages with the component's name, for example:

  • [crypto] Problem with the ...

Questions related to the usage of Apache Commons Crypto should be posted to the User List.
The Developer List is for questions and discussion related to the development of Apache Commons Crypto.
Please do not cross-post; developers are also subscribed to the user list.
You must be subscribed to post to the mailing lists. Follow the Subscribe links below to subscribe.

Note: please don't send patches or attachments to any of the mailing lists. Patches are best handled via the Issue Tracking system. Otherwise, please upload the file to a public server and include the URL in the mail.

Apache Commons Crypto Mailing Lists

Please prefix the subject line of any messages for Apache Commons Crypto with [crypto] - thanks!

Name Subscribe Unsubscribe Post Archive Other Archives
Commons User List

Questions on using Apache Commons Crypto.

Subscribe Unsubscribe Post mail-archives.apache.org markmail.org
Commons Developer List

Discussion of development of Apache Commons Crypto.

Subscribe Unsubscribe Post mail-archives.apache.org markmail.org
Commons Issues List

Only for e-mails automatically generated by the issue tracking system.

Subscribe Unsubscribe read only mail-archives.apache.org markmail.org
Commons Commits List

Only for e-mails automatically generated by the source control sytem.

Subscribe Unsubscribe read only mail-archives.apache.org markmail.org

Apache Mailing Lists

Other mailing lists which you may find useful include:

Name Subscribe Unsubscribe Post Archive Other Archives
Apache Announce List

General announcements of Apache project releases.

Subscribe Unsubscribe read only mail-archives.apache.org markmail.org